Student Birthdays

In regard to student birthdays, we would appreciate your understanding and support of our position. We cannot allow students to bring cookies, candy, etc. and distribute in their classroom. There are several reasons why this cannot be allowed. It becomes a competitive situation, which can get out of hand as well as being a disruption to class instruction. The same rule applies to invitation distribution at school or on school property. Please do not ask the teachers to make exceptions to this rule. Many children can get hurt feelings or the teacher may be out and a substitute fail to pass out the invitations, and we certainly respect your right to invite whom you choose. Please send all invitations through the mail, social media, or by telephone. Our teachers do recognize students’ birthdays, as we certainly understand how important this day is to your child.

Third grade teachers sent a note/permission form home today. On this form, you have the option to include or not include your address on a student information list. Please look for this note in your child’s take home folder and send back to school the next day so that we may compile this list as quickly as possible.


October 23-27


  • 3.4A(R)Solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and relationship between addition and subtraction
  • 3.5A(R)Represent one- and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 1,000 using pictorial models, number lines, and equations
  • 3.4C ~ determine the value of a collection of coins and bills

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts, record in the log. I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.


3.10C ~ investigate and compare how animals and plants undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles such as tomato plants, frogs, and ladybugs

Other Information:

  • Friday ~ Pep Rally, homework log due
  • Thursday ~ Vocabulary Test, Mad Minute (subtraction)
  • October 23-27 ~ Red Ribbon Week (students must be dress code compliant each day)
    • Monday- wear red
    • Tuesday- pj’s with tennis shoes
    • Wednesday- sports team/college shirt with crazy socks
    • Thursday- super hero attire
    • Friday- wear neon/bright colors