Party day is just around the corner, so here are a few reminders and helpful info!! Third grade parties are set for Wednesday  morning from 9:00 – 10:00!!!! We are so excited to show you the christmas decorations in our room, our presents under our tree, and our elf named Emma. The kids named her themselves! Many of you have sent back the blue form about helping out or sending items to help our room mom. Stacie Hawley has stepped up for us and has contacted those for help! THANKS STACIE!!! We are very excited about all the fun we are going to have! Students need to bring a small gift bag to carry all of their gifts home from their friends and teachers. Please have your child’s name on the bag! We have 11 girls and 9 boys in our class (heads up for gifts if you need it). Also BIG reminder… Please do NOT bring any homemade foods or foods that contain peanuts! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me or comment on here! Can’t wait to see everyone!!

December 11-15


3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4H(S)– determine the number of objects in each group when a set of objects is partitioned into equal shares or a set of objects is shared equally

3.4J(S)-determine a quotient using the relationship between multiplication and division

3.4K(R)– solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall of facts

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts, record in the log. I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.

***** Review multiplication facts for 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10.

Wednesday – Students will have a multiplication test over 2’s and 4’s



3.5D- explore and recognize that a mixture is created when two materials are combined such as gravel and sand and metal and plastic paper clips


Other Information:

  • Monday ~ Students can wear Christmas hats, reindeer antlers, elf ears, etc.
  • Wednesday ~ Students may wear school appropriate Christmas PJ’s.
  • Wednesday ~ Mad Minute over multiplication facts 2’s and 4’s
  • Thursday ~ Dress up as a Whoville character, Grinch, or wear red or green.
  • Friday ~ homework logs due for math and reading
  • December Dates to Remember ~
    • 19th and 20th Early Release at 12:15
    • 20th Class Parties 9-10 and end of the 2nd nine weeks
  • Christmas Break ~ December 21 – January 3

December 4 – 8


3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4G(S)- use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial produce, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties

3.4H(S)– determine the number of objects in each group when a set of objects is partitioned into equal shares or a set of objects is shared equally

3.4J(S)-determine a quotient using the relationship between multiplication and division

3.4K(R)– solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall of facts

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts, record in the log. I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.

Flashcards have been sent home to help practice multiplication facts 2 and 4 for test on Thursday!!!



3.5D- explore and recognize that a mixture is created when two materials are combined such as gravel and sand and metal and plastic paper clips

Other Information:

  • This Friday ~ homework logs are due – Fun Friday (extra recess if complete)
  • This Thursday ~ Mad Minute Multiplication over 2’s and 4’s
  • December 11th ~ Christmas outfits! (Wear Christmas hats, reindeer antlers, elf ears, etc)
  • December 13th ~ Christmas PJ day!
  • December 15th ~ Grinch Day! (Dress up as a Whoville character, Grinch, or wear Red or Green!
  • December 18th ~ Christmas around the World
  • December 19th and 20th are Early Release at 12:15
  • December 20th ~ Class Parties from 9:00-10:00 (Parents who come can sign their student out with homeroom teacher)
  • December 20th ~ End of the 2nd Nine Week
  • December 21 – January 3 ~ CHRISTMAS BREAK