February 26 – March 2

3.3F(R)- represent equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines
3.3G(S)- explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model
3.3H(R)- compare two fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their sizes and justifying the conclusion using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models

3.7A- explore and record how soils are formed by weathering of rock and the decomposition of plant and animal remains
3.7B- Investigate rapid changes in Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides

Homework: Go Math homework pages 99 and 100 “Module 3 Assessment”. Extra fact practice homework for students who scored less than 20/30 on Mad Minute. Study your multiplication facts (0-10), record on the log. I will check logs and homework pages Friday. No Fun Friday if any part of the homework is missing or not complete.

Other Information:
Wednesday, February 28th ~ Early Release 12:00

Upcoming Important Dates:
March 12-16 ~ Spring Break
March 19 ~ Teacher Work Day
March 23 ~ Report Cards
March 29 ~ Easter Party (time TBA)
March 30 ~ School Holiday
April 23 ~ School Holiday
April 24 ~ 3rd grade Field Day
May 14-15 ~ STAAR testing
May 21 ~ 3rd grade Awards Ceremony
May 23 ~ Last day of school

February 19 – 23

3.3F(R)- represent equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines
3.3G(S)- explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model
3.3H(R)- compare two fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their sizes and justifying the conclusion using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models

3.6B- demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects to show work being done such as swings, balls, pulleys, and wagons
3.6C- observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objects

Homework: Extra fact practice homework for students who scored less than 20/30 on Mad Minute. Study your multiplication facts (0-10), record in planner this week! Kelley Reward Dollars are given this week for fact practice and 20 or more/30 on the Mad Minute!

Other Information:
Thursday, February 21st ~ Mad Minute for all facts, Vocabulary Test
Friday, February 22nd ~ Reading and Math HW due!
Wednesday, February 28th ~ Early Release @12:15

***Please keep collecting Box Tops for us! We are trying to save ours to win the Ice Cream Party in April!!!

February 12-16

3.3A- represent fractions greater than zero and less than or equal to one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using concrete objects and pictorial models, including strip diagrams and number lines
3.3B- determine the corresponding fraction greater than zero and less than one or equal to one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 given a specified point on a number line.
3.3C- explain that the unit fraction 1/b represents the quantity formed by one part of a whole that has been partitioned into b equal parts where b is a non-zero whole number
3.3D- compose and decompose a fraction a/b with a numerator greater than 0 and less than or equal to b as a sum of parts 1/b
3.3E- solve problems involving partitioning an object or set of objects among two or more recipients using pictorial representations of fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8

Homework: Go Math homework pages 111 and 112. Study your multiplication facts (0-10), record on the log in the Math HW folder. I will check logs and homework pages Friday. No Fun Friday if any part of the homework is missing or not complete.


Science Lab Supply Requests: Send by Tuesday if you are able to help. Washable, clear, PVA glue; saline solution; baking soda; pink and red food coloring; Valentine themed glitter; gallon jugs of water.

3.6B(R)- demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects to show work being done such as swings, balls, pulleys, wagons
3.6C- observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objects

Other Information:
Tuesday, February 13th ~ Valentine’s cards and box due.
Wednesday, February 14th ~ In-class celebration for Valentine’s (no party), bring box or bag on or before this day
Thursday, February 15th ~ Special classroom visitor for Science from Texas Farm Bureau,
Mad Minute for all facts,
Spelling Test
Friday, February 16th ~ Go Math HW due, Math Fact Log due, Reading HW due

February 5-9

3.3A – Represent fractions greater than zero and less than or equal to one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using concrete objects and pictorial models including strip diagrams and number lines

3.3B – determine the corresponding fraction greater than zero and less than or equal to one with denominators of 2 ,3 ,4 ,6 , and 8 given a specified point on a number line

3.3C – explain that the unit fraction 1/b represents the quantity formed by one part of a whole that has been partitioned into b equal parts where b is a non-zero whole number

Math Vocabulary that we will be learning this week: Fractions, numerator, denominator, strip diagrams, number lines, eighth, equal parts, forth, fraction bar, half/halves, sixth, third, whole,

Homework: Motivation Math pg 30 #’s 1-4, Word Problems #3/show answers on gridable, practice multiplication math facts 3x’s! Mad Minute test this week is on Thursday over the 9’s facts!


3.6B – demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects to show work being done such as swings, balls, pulleys, and wagons

3.6C – observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objects


Other Information:
Thursday 8th – Mad Minute test over X9. Vocabulary Test
Friday 9th ~ Math and Reading HW due!
February 13th ~ Special visitor for Science. Valentine’s cards due.
February 14th ~ in-class celebration for Valentine’s (no party), bring box or bag on or before this day

January 29 – February 2

3.5E(S)- represent real-world relationships using number pairs in a table and verbal descriptions

Homework: Motivation Math homework page 18. Study your multiplication facts for 8, record on the log. I will check logs Friday. Word Problem #2 questions 1-5. Make sure to put your answers on the gridable!

3.6B(R)- demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects to show work being done such as swings, balls, pulleys, wagons

Other Information:
Thursday 1st ~ 3rd Grade play 9:00. Mad Minute test over X8. Spelling Test
Friday 2nd ~ Homework and logs due (you can turn it in early on Thursday if you have done your facts 3x’s)
February 13th ~ Special visitor for Science. Valentine’s cards due.
February 14th ~ in-class celebration for Valentine’s (no party), bring box or bag on or before this day!