Learning Goals

Week of September 11-15

Here are our learning goals for the week.


3.2A(R) ~ compose and decompose numbers to the hundred thousands using objects, pictorial, and numbers. Expanded notation

3.2B(S) ~ relationships in base 10 place value system

3.4A(R) ~ Solve one and two step addition and subtraction problems within 1,000

3.2D(R) ~ Compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, =

Homework: Study your basic addition facts, record in log (sent home Monday). I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.


3.9C ~ describe environmental changes such as floods and droughts where some organisms thrive and others perish or move to new locations

Other News:

  • We are collecting school supplies for Beaumont ISD, a note went home 9/8. There will be grade level drop off buckets by the office.
  • Vocabulary test Friday 9/15
  • Math Universal Screener 9/12