Encourage Exploration in Science

Third Grade Math and Science Teachers only need $81.00 left to fully fund our project! This project helps all of our classrooms be equipped for better science experiments! We are so excited! Please share the word and help us get fully funded! A big THANK YOU to Turn-Tex Machine & Tool, Inc. for helping us get SO CLOSE!!!

Click the link below to learn more! 🙂


November 27 – December 1


3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4G(S)- use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial produce, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts, record in the log. I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.


3.5A(R)- measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float

3.5C(S)– predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating or cooling.

Other Information:

  • Wednesday ~ Graded Papers are being sent home – sign and return envelope by Friday
  • Thursday ~ Progress Reports are being sent home – sign and return on Friday
  • Thursday ~ Mad Minute Multiplication Test (over facts of 0, 1, 5, and 10’s)
  • Friday ~ homework logs are due – No fun Friday if HW is not complete
  • Friday ~ Scholastic Book Orders due (last chance to order before Christmas!!!)

November 13-17


3.4D (S) – determine the total number of objects when equally-sized groups of objects are combined or arranged in arrays up to 10 by 10

3.4E (S) – represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line, and skip counting

3.4F (S) – recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4G (S) – use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial products, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties.

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts and record on the HW log. I check these logs on Friday! Students earn extra recess on Friday’s if they have done their HW and have had good behavior all week!

We have started working on multiplication in class! Everyone of my students are working hard! I cannot be more proud of them each and every day.


3.5B – describe and classify samples of matter as a solid, liquids, and gasses. Demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container.

3.A – measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float


Other Information:

  • Friday ~ Homework logs due
  • Thursday ~ Vocabulary Test, Mad Minute (subtraction)
  • November 6-27 ~ Bring in Box Tops. The class with the most in each grade level wins a pizza party!
  • November 6-10 ~ Annual Food Drive
  • November 20-24 ~ Thanksgiving Break
  • November 17 ~ Scholastic Book Orders due (last chance to order before Christmas!)

November 6-10


3.4D(S)- determine the total number of objects when equally-sized groups of objects are combined or arranged in arrays up to 10 by 10

3.4E(S)- represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line, and skip counting

3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4G(S)- use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial produce, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts, record in the log. I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.


3.5B(R)- describe and classify samples of matter as solids, liquids, and gases and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container

Other Information:

  • Friday ~ No Pep Rally, homework log due
  • Thursday ~ Vocabulary Test, Mad Minute (subtraction)
  • November 6-27 ~ Bring in Box Tops. The class with the most in each grade level wins a pizza party!
  • November 6-10 ~ Annual Food Drive
  • November 20-24 ~ Thanksgiving Break
  • November 17 ~ Scholastic Book Orders due (last chance to order before Christmas)

Happy Birthday TATE and IAN

Birthday shout out to Tate and Ian!! They both had birthday’s last week!!! They both loved and enjoyed having their birthday’s during Red Ribbon Week!

Tate and Ian, you are both such a joy in the classroom. You are both leaders and help others around you! I have loved getting to know both of you. I know we are going to have a GREAT rest of the year! 🙂

October 30 – November 3


  • 3.4D(S) ~ Solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and relationship between addition and subtraction
  • 3.4E(S) ~ represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line, and skip counting
  • 3.4F(S) ~ recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

Homework: Study your basic subtraction facts, record in the log. I will check these logs on Friday. Your child will earn extra recess Friday if this is complete and he/she has had good behavior all week.


3.5B(R) ~ describe and classify samples of matter as solids, liquids, and gases and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container

Other Information:

  • Friday ~ Pep Rally (may not be fun for younger students since the seniors are being honored), homework log due
  • Thursday ~ Spelling Test, Mad Minute (subtraction)
  • Wednesday ~ Early Release 12:00
  • November 6-27 ~ Bring in Box Tops. The class with the most in each grade level wins a pizza party!
  • November 6-10 ~ Annual Food Drive
  • November 20-24 ~ Thanksgiving Break
  • November 17 ~ Scholastic Book Orders due (last chance to order before Christmas)

Six Flags Read to Succeed!


Today your child will be coming home with the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Log.  This is an exciting program Mrs. Rock has registered the students to participate in.  All you and your child need to do is read, read, read and keep track of the amount of time read.  When your child reaches 6 hours, he/she will return the form to me.  At the end of the year, each child who completed the form will receive a Six Flags ticket!!

Food Drive

Our annual Food Drive runs from November 6-10th.  The food contributed will aid the White Oak TAP (Temporary Assistance Program).  Currently this food bank is in need of nonperishable items including meat products, canned fruit, pasta, spaghetti sauce, macaroni & cheese, soup, beans, and rice. They have plenty of vegetable products at this time.

The grade level bringing the most food will win extra recess as well as a visit from Joe Roughneck!!  Please help us stock this food bank as the holidays are fast approaching!!