Happy Birthday Kendal

Kendal has a birthday this Sunday!!! First birthday of the year! Kendal, I am so thankful for you. You continually surprise me with your kindness and joy of helping out in the classroom. Thank you for being a great helper! I hope you have an AMAZING birthday! We will be sure to celebrate with you a little later on Monday!

Happy Birthday Macilynn!!!

Macilynn had a birthday over the break! We made sure to sing to her yesterday when we got back from the holiday! Macilynn, you are a joy to have in class. You are kind and sweet to everyone around you. Thank you for being a great friend and an amazing student! I hope you had an amazing time over the break enjoying your birthday, and I’m glad we were able to sing to you when we got back!

Happy Belated Birthday Macilynn!

January 8-12

3.4K(R)– solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall of facts

3.5B(R)- represent one and two-step problems, multiplication and division problems, within 100 using arrays, strip diagrams, and equations

Homework: Study your multiplication facts for 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10, record on the log. I will check these logs Friday. Laps at recess if the log is missing or not complete for both Reading and Math.

3.6A(R)- explore different forms of energy, including mechanical, light, sound, and heat/thermal in everyday life

Other Information:
Tuesday 16th ~ Math Benchmark
Thursday 18th ~ Reading Benchmark
January 15th ~ School Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr.)
January 8-26 ~ Box Top Competition

January 4-5

Math: We are reviewing all math concepts this week in preparation for the Math Benchmark next week.

3.4K(R)– solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall of facts

3.5B(R)- represent one and two-step problems, multiplication and division problems, within 100 using arrays, strip diagrams, and equations

Other Information:
Tuesday 16th ~ Math Benchmark
Thursday 18th ~ Reading Benchmark
January 15th ~ School Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr.)
January 8-26 ~ Box Top Competition

Benchmark Expectations

Dear Parents,

Welcome back and Happy New Year! It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces this morning as we came back! We wanted to share some information about testing next week.

Next week, we will have our middle of the year benchmark assessments. On Tuesday, students will take the math test. On Thursday, students will take the reading test. These tests are 4 hours long (time allowed, not necessarily takes that long) and are good practice for other tests.

We wanted to make sure that parents were aware of the expectations we follow during testing. The following are things the students will experience during testing:

  • Classrooms are silent during testing.
  • Students must raise hands to ask questions, go to the restroom or turn in testing materials.
  • Teachers cannot help students with questions or answer choices. Our standard response is: “I cannot help you with that. Please do the best you can!” We have practiced this but we will continue to remind them.
  • Students use test booklets and bubble sheets (we have practiced this a lot already)
  • Students can have water bottles with them but they stay on the floor.
  • Students can bring gum or hard candy (candy must be unwrapped and in a sealed baggie)
  • Students will read a book after they have finished their tests and until all tests are turned in.

We know our 3rd graders are going to ROCK this test! Please remind your child that this is just a test, it’s nothing to be scared of. As long as they take their time and show their thinking (work, notes…) they will do great!

On these very special duo of days, please make sure your child is at school on time, especially if they eat breakfast at school. Please encourage your child to take their time and try their best! We only expect their best and we know they can do it! Please feel free to email us with any questions, before the day of the test. We will share your students progress (this is not graded for the report card, just used as data for our teaching) after the tests have been graded.